Short Bio
Francesco served as the leader of Group 3 working in the areas of literature review, design and setup of
the project, use and re-use for the identified case studies. In particular, he works on the topographical registration and documentation for CS03 the Monastery of Chrysorrogiatissa and the storytelling component of the case study.
Project Contribution

Themistocleous, K., Ioannides, I., Tryfonos, G., Pritchard, D., Cliffen, H., Katiri, M., Jončić, N., Osti, G., Rigauts, T., Ripanti, F., X Anayiotos, A.
HBIM For Cultural Heritage: The Case Study Of Panayia Karmiotissa Church Proc. SPIE 12268, Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing/GIS Applications XIII, 122680B (26 October 2022)

Themistocleous, K., Ioannides, I., Tryfonos, G., Pritchard, D., Cliffen, H., Katiri, M., Jončić, N., Osti, G., Rigauts, T., Ripanti, F., X Anayiotos, A.
Determination of the Celebration of the Next Pythian Games Using The Antikythera Mechanism, Considering That They Are Celebrated Uninterrupted Until Today. Scientific Culture, 8(1), 81-94.

Pritchard, D., Rigauts, T., Ripanti, F., Ioannides, M., Brumana, R., Davies, R., Avouri, E., Cliffen, H., Joncic, N., Osti, G., & Toumpouri, M.
Study On Quality In 3D Digitisation Of Tangible Cultural Heritage. Polytechnic University of Valencia Congress, ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0 – 9th International Congress & 3rd GEORES – GEOmatics and pREServation

Pritchard, D., Avouri, E., Osti, G., Cliffen, H., Joncic, N., Ripanti, F., & Toumpouri, M.
VR in the Time of Social Distancing: New Multidisciplinary-Inspired Directions for Virtual Exhibitions. ICAMT: International Committee for Architecture & Museum Techniques. Architecture & Exhibit Design, New Challenges for Museums. Online Conference 2020