Spreading the news about the participation of our Lab in the fascinating and inspiring Eva London Conference 2023

Held annually in July, the renowned and world famous EVA (Electronic Visualisation & the Arts) London Conference puts its core emphasis on the creation and use of visualization technologies across a variety of fields, such as art, music, dance, theater and science.
Nowadays, it works as a great free-of-charge networking event for groups and projects as well as individuals such as MA, MSc and PhD students and unaffiliated artists who might wish to share their research in a friendly and informal setting.
More specifically, for this year’s event, which took place in a hybrid form between July 10 – 14, 2023, UNESCO and ERA Chairs on Digital Cultural Heritage, at the Cyprus University of Technology were proud to participate by submitting and presenting one paper within the European project Mnemosyne (H2020 ERA CHAIR)
For this purpose, Dr Elina Argyridou, member of the H2020 ERA Chair Mnemosyne at the DHRLab gave an online presentation entitled “Research Methodologies for Digital Holistic Documentation of Cultural Heritage
The presentation of Dr. Argyridou focused on exceptional results of the EU-Study on Quality in 3D Digitization of tangible culturalheritage Heritage (VIGIE2020/654) and how these were applied on the case studies of the #Mnemosyne project.
The research outputs concerning the implementation of 17 selected case studies together with the developed methodologies are summarised in this paper. Their holistic documentation is based on the outstanding results of the EU Study VIGIE2020/654
The proposed holistic documentation life cycle includes data Acquisition and Data processing, semantic datamodeling and Knowledge management as well as data long-term preservation and data use and reuse.
Dr. Argyridou illustrated in her presentation how monuments, and artifacts are digitized, modelled, used and reused, using a holistic approach.