WEBINAR: TExTOUR “Supporting cultural tourism in deprived areas: strategies and tools from the TExTOUR project”
TExTOUR, the European project dedicated to co-designing pioneering and sustainable cultural tourism strategies to improve deprived areas, will host a webinar on the 11th of July to present the final results of its activities.
Join the webinar about TExTOUR’s methodology, the tools created to foster cultural tourism and monitor the impact of carried-out actions. You will see tangible results from the project’s pilots’ case studies and discover how they achieved them. During the webinar, there will be a Q&A session, so bring all your questions about cultural tourism development and learn from the experience of TExTOUR.
The webinar is intended for tourism professionals, cultural operators, municipalities, and public and private institutions interested in the sustainable development of cultural tourism.
Register for free and learn more: Webinar “Supporting cultural tourism in deprived areas: strategies and tools from the TExTOUR project”