Digital Heritage Research Lab

EuroMed2024 Registration Open!

EuroMed2024, the 10th International Conference on European-Mediterranean Digital Heritage registration is now open. The attendance fee for the event is €350 and online registration can be found HERE at the Conference Website.

Essential Information

When: Monday 2nd to Wednesday 4th December 2024
Where: Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol. Cyprus.
General Contact[email protected]


Download the Call for Papers
We invite scholars and researchers from the academy and professionals working across the diverse spectrum of CH activities to submit papers under the following topic headings:

I. Artificial Intelligence in Cultural Heritage
II. Contribution to the Protection, Conservation, Restoration, & Preservation (PCRP) of Cultural Heritage
III. Cross Realities (AR/MR/XR/VR) and Virtual World Development and Use for Cultural Heritage
IV. Data Acquisition and Processing (including Paradata and Metadata)
V. Data Modelling, Analysis, Knowledge Management & Visualisation
VI. Digital Approaches to Documentation, Dissemination and Exploitation of CH Results
VII. e-Infrastructures, Sustainability & Long-Term Preservation for Digital Cultural Heritage

Specific topics of interest can be found under the Call for Participation at the EuroMed2024 website
Deadline for Paper Submission: Midnight CET on Saturday the 20th July 2024.

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