Digital Heritage Research Lab

EUreka3D Publishes 3D Digitisation Guidelines

The Eureka3D project has published a new guideline booklet to help those needing a quick start on 3D digitisation of cultural heritage content. The guide is available from the EUreka3D website.

The guide is designed to help anyone on their 3D digitisation journey. It is specifically aimed at Cultural Heritage professionals who are considering, or in the middle of, digitising their cultural heritage collections using three dimensional models. It outlines and simplifies the recommended standards highlighted in the EU VIGIE Study 2020/654 (Study on quality in 3D digitisation of tangible cultural heritage, published April 2022) and written in response to the EU recommendation (EU 2021/1970 on a common European data space for cultural heritage, published November 2021) for Member States to digitise all moments and sites at risk in 3D by 2030.

The guide has been created within the framework of EUreka3D an EU project co-funded by the European Union (grant no. 101100685).

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