Date: 23/11/2022 – 25/11/2022
Location: Nagy Laboratórium, Department of Digital Humanities (Múzeum körút 6-8. / Main building, 2nd floor), Budapest, Hungary.
The Digital Heritage Laboratory with the European project MNEMOSYNE (H2020 ERA CHAIR) took part in the conference DH_BUDAPEST 2022 & DARIAH DAYS organized in Budapest.
One of the most important tasks of Hungary’s oldest university, the Eötvös Loránd University, is to adopt the latest scientific and technical advancements in the field of humanities. The practice of digital humanities – which now has become a worldwide phenomenon – unites humanities with a specialized form of computer science. Furthermore, there are international networks of DH centres, conferences and summer universities are being organized, and journals published even in paper form as well. It is highly important for the Faculty of Humanities at Eötvös Loránd University to keep up with global trends and to create a stable centre for the education and development of digital humanities.
DH_BUDAPEST_22 was organized in collaboration with DARIAH. The Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH) aims to enhance and support digitally enabled research and teaching across the arts and humanities. DARIAH is a network of people, expertise, information, knowledge, content, methods, tools, and technologies from its member countries. It develops, maintains, and operates an infrastructure in support of ICT-based research practices and sustains researchers in using them to build, analyze and interpret digital resources. By working with communities of practice, DARIAH brings together individual state-of-the-art digital arts and humanities activities and scales their results to a European level. It preserves, provides access to and disseminates research that stems from these collaborations and ensures that best practices, methodological and technical standards are followed.
The MNEMOSYNE research fellow, Elena Karittevli actively participated in the DH_BUDAPEST & DARIAH DAYS 2022. The event was incorporated in a series of programs called DARIAH Days, which included roundtables, panel discussions, and workshops. DARIAH Days provided an opportunity for researchers and institutions to engage and build connections with others from the field of Digital Humanities. This year’s theme was the concept of the Network as a metaphor and as a tool for conceptualizing phenomena for a long time in the humanities, yet, with the emerging availability of digital and digitized datasets, it also became a tool of quantitative analysis and data visualization. Furthermore, researchers raised novel questions of self-reflection in the humanities regarding the epistemological grounds and consequences of the usage of tools and techniques developed in the natural sciences.
The fellow Elena Karittevli with her supervisor Dr Maria Hadjiathanasiou, both members of the H2020 ERA Chair MNEMOSYNE at the DHRLab, act as DARIAH’S (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities) Cyprus National Network representatives (DARIAH-CY), which leads the network at the Cyprus University of Technology and DARIAH Network in Cyprus. As part of this transnational research community network, DARIAH-CY promotes and raises awareness about digital humanities through culture.
