Official visit to UNESCO and ERA Chairs on Digital Cultural Heritage
Students of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) had the opportunity to discuss the future of Europe, in the shadow of the war in Ukraine, with the President of Slovenia, Mr. Borut Pahor, during his official visit to the University.
The Slovenian President, together with his entourage, was received by the Rector of CUT, Professor Panagiotis Zafiris, in the Senate Hall of the Rectorate building, in the presence of the University’s leadership.
Welcoming Mr. Pahor to CUT, Rector Zafiris referred to the scientific, educational and cultural cooperation that CUT maintains with Universities, research institutions and organizations in Slovenia, in the context of its strategic objective to develop and strengthen its extroversion and internationalization.
Panagiotis Zafiris referred in particular to the cooperation within the framework of the European mobility programme for students and academic staff “Erasmus +” and the joint participation in research projects. He noted that a total of 20 research projects in which the CUT is participating with partners from Slovenia have either been completed or are currently running. “We welcome this cooperation and look forward to future joint activities”, said the Rector of CUT.
“This important visit comes at a time when a large-scale military conflict is underway that we have not seen in Europe since Turkey invaded our country in 1974. It is undoubtedly true that peace and stability are key factors for our social, cultural and economic development,” he said.
In conclusion, the Rector thanked the Slovenian President for his visit to the CUT and for participating in an open dialogue with the students of our University about our common future as citizens of the European Union.
Subsequently, Mr. Pahor participated in a discussion with students of the University on “The Future of Europe”, which was held in the Tassos Papadopoulos building at the CUT.
In his speech, the Slovenian President expressed his honour and pleasure to visit the CUT, in the shadow, as he said, of the war in Ukraine. “Who would have thought, a month ago, that two major countries in Europe would be involved in a war. We are witnessing a war in Europe. I am, as a human being, deeply disappointed that we have not been able to solve the problem in a peaceful way.”
He said that it was the obligation and responsibility of politicians to find a peaceful solution to the crisis as soon as possible, which would end the hostilities and bloodshed in Ukraine, adding that unfortunately it seems that we have not learned from history.
The Slovenian President had the opportunity to answer the students’ questions and have an open dialogue with them, listening very carefully to their concerns, worries and concerns about the future of Europe and the situation in Ukraine, as well as a number of other issues of concern to young people today, such as gender equality, equal representation and equal opportunities for people with disabilities. President Pahor expressed the need to create our non-discriminatory and inclusive society that respects diversity and equality and to create citizens with empathy and respect for others, especially those who suffer.
The President of Slovenia chose to visit the Cyprus University of Technology because of the relations and the close long-standing cooperation that his country maintains through the University of Ljubljana, with the Laboratory of Digital Cultural Heritage of CUT, headed by Dr. Marinos Ioannidis, which holds the two important chairs, the UNESCO Chair and the European Research Area Chair in Digital Cultural Heritage.